Genesis Block Member Profile: Supporting Parents with the Ins and Outs of Education
In the midst of unprecedented crisis, our education system has faced many challenges and unforeseen obstacles in the way of achieving some level of normalcy. School systems around the country have been impacted with most having their doors shuttered for the last 14 weeks. Resiliency in the face of these challenges is important and there are organizations supporting the nurturing of parents and teachers in this environment.
Tikisha Michelle Johnson is the Founder of Education InsideOut, an organization of parent advocates working to bridge the gap between home and school.
Education InsideOut is a network of parent advocates partnered with local resources working to bridge the gap between home and school. “We help parents navigate school meetings and put structures and strategies in place at home to ensure the success of their children. We empower parents and teachers to build better relationships, establish consistency and maintain control at home and at school,” says Founder Tikisha Michelle Johnson.
Education Inside Out has received local media coverage as well:
Why choose Genesis Block?
“Education InsideOut has joined Genesis Block to continue our growth in the community as an efficient and effective non-profit organization. Genesis Block has helped EIO understand the business aspect of our non profit. Genesis Block also allows us to connect with local businesses that could benefit our clients, says Johnson.
Genesis Block is excited to welcome Tikisha Michelle Johnson and Education InsideOut to our community collaborative. Here is more contact information for her organization.
Phone: (910) 541–4121